Virtues of Masjid al Haraam

  • Reward for every step taken towards the haram. The Messenger (saw) said: “Indeed, for a pilgrim who is mounted, for every stride he takes with his mount, he receives seventy rewards. And the pilgrim who walks, for every step which he takes, he receives seven hundred rewards from the rewards of the haram.”
  • Prayer in this mosque is better than prayer anywhere else in the world.

    The Messenger (saw) was asked: “O Rasullullah (saw) what are the rewards of the haram?” Rasullullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) replied: “Each reward is multiplied a hundred thousand times.” [Sahih Muslim, lbn Hibban]

  • Has ka’bah inside it. Muslims from all over the world come to circumbulate the ka’bah seven times.
  • Inside the mosque, the mountains Safa and Marwara are situated, approximately ½ mile from the ka’bah, where Muslims from all around the world, follow the footsteps of Hajar (as) and walk between the two mountains seven times.

    Allah states: “Verily Safa’ and Marwah are from the symbols of Allah. Thus it is not a sin on one who performs the hajj or umrah of the (sacred) house to make tawaf between them. And verily Allah is appreciative and fully cognisant of one who performs good deeds voluntarily.” [Surah Al-Baqarah verse 158]

    The distance between Safa and Marwah is approximately 450 m

  • The well of zam zam is located within the mosque. People can not drink directly from the well, as it is in the basement, sectioned off by a glass panel, but from water fountains in the mosque. “The best well on the face of this earth is the well of Zamzam.” [Al Muslim] Zamzam well is 35 meters deep.

    The well had dried up over the centuries its location had been lost. ‘Abd al-Muttalib, the grandfather of the Holy Prophet (sws) received guidance in his dream to locate the well. A few kilometers away from the Masjid Al-Haraam, there is a tank with a capacity of 150 million litres. Water is distributed by tankers to various places including the Masjid An-Nabawī.

    The Abbasid caliph Al-Mansur (149 AH), ordered a dome to be built above the well, tiled with marble, during his rein. But in 153 AH), Al-Mahdi rebuilt the well during his rein, building a dome of teak which was covered with mosaic. During the rein of Al Mutassim, the dome was once again tiled with marble. In 1333AH, the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II changed the location of the well, to where it is situated now, about ½ mile away from the ka’bah.